Press Releases

Press releases issued by the New Hampshire Department of Education.

Press Release
CONCORD – The New Hampshire Department of Education will be hosting six meetings around the state during the next two weeks to share new computer science information – including new standards and cert...
Posted: May 25, 2018
Press Release
CONCORD – An error in Smarter Balanced assessment student data for 2015 and 2016 is resulting in additional funds being sent to local school districts next week. The New Hampshire Department of Educat...
Posted: May 23, 2018
Press Release
CONCORD – The 2017-2018 school year will be ending in a few weeks for most students in New Hampshire and families will be making plans for the summer. But the arrival of balmy weather, excursions, and...
Posted: May 22, 2018
Press Release
CONCORD – Hinsdale High School held its ELO Exhibition Day on May 18, 2018, at the school’s campus in Hinsdale. Twenty students gave one-hour presentations as part of the event during morning and afte...
Posted: May 21, 2018
Press Release
CONCORD – Numerous Granite State students received certificates and awards on May 16, 2018, as part of the bicentennial celebration of the New Hampshire State House. Next year, the State House turns 2...
Posted: May 17, 2018