For Immediate Release
Posted: May 25, 2018


Tony Schinella, Communications Director
(603) 271-0448 |

Computer Science Education Policy Tour Held May 29 to June 7

Teachers, administrators, parents, and others can learn about new computer science standards, certification info in New Hampshire.

CONCORD – The New Hampshire Department of Education will be hosting six meetings around the state during the next two weeks to share new computer science information – including new standards and certification processes – with the public and school officials. The tour begins on Tuesday, May 29, and ends on June 7, 2018, and will be held in Concord, Durham, Gorham, Keene, Manchester, and Plymouth. The meetings will start at 6 p.m. and are expected to last about an hour.

David Benedetto, the state director of STEM and Computer Science Education for the NH DOE, will be hosting the meetings in an effort to share information about the state’s Computer Science Educator Certification, a draft of the new Computer Science Standards, and HB 1674 – which adds Computer Science to the Adequate Public Education standards.

“These policy updates help ensure our students are equipped with technology skills that they need to succeed,” Benedetto said. “Anyone can attend the meeting. They are open to anyone interested and engaged in computer science or who may want to know more about the standards.”

The six meeting locations will be held regionally.

A draft of the New Hampshire Computer Science standards and a form for providing online feedback are also available at the above link.

RSVP to any of the six meetings or to sign up to receive more information regarding these developments.

Meeting Dates, Locations
All meetings start at 6 p.m.

  • Tuesday, May 29: Plymouth State University, Robert Frost House, Frost Commons in Plymouth.
  • Wednesday, May 30: University of New Hampshire, 23 Academic Way, Parsons Hall, Room N108 in Durham.
  • Thursday, May 31: University of New Hampshire, 88 Commercial St., Room 325 in Manchester.
  • Monday, June 4: North Country Education Services, 300 Gorham Hill Road in Gorham.
  • Wednesday, June 6: Keene State College, Putnam Science Center, Room 101 in Keene.
  • Thursday, June 7: NH DOE, Commissioner’s Conference Room, Room 15 in Concord.

For more info, contact David Benedetto at