For Immediate Release
Posted: May 09, 2018


Tony Schinella, Communications Director
(603) 271-0448 |

NH Vocational Rehabilitation Moves Into An Order Of Selection

This week, New Hampshire Vocational Rehabilitation (NH VR) is beginning the process of entering into an Order of Selection to serve customers of the bureau. This decision was made after careful thought and a thorough examination of the most needed services as well as the financial status of the bureau. During the past few weeks, the bureau has held external and internal meetings, including a public comment hearing, and received questions and comments from customers, their families, and community partners. NH VR staff also shared thoughts, raised concerns, and offered ideas about the process and how NH VR will move into the future.

A summary of the public comments received by the bureau can be found here in Word documents.

In an Order of Selection, all existing customers with Individual Plans for Employment will continue to be served. Customers without plans will be added to a waiting list to access future services.

New customers to NH VR will apply with a counselor to determine eligibility. After determination, customers will be brought into the system based on three categories of service: Those with the most significant disabilities; customers with significant disabilities; and then, customers with less significant disabilities. NH VR will continue to allocate 15 percent of federal grant money toward Pre-Employment Transition Services.

The bureau will make resources available through its website to help all individuals start their search for gainful employment.

Officials believe an Order of Selection is the best course of action and will allow the bureau to serve some of New Hampshire’s most vulnerable communities.

Many of the questions and remarks during the public comment hearing concerned how the bureau got to this point financially. The bureau is responding to reductions in federal grants, fluctuating Social Security reimbursements, and other factors that necessitate changes to the bureau’s operations.

NH DOE Commissioner Frank Edelblut and other officials have met with the State Rehabilitation Council and its leadership and will be meeting again later this month to provide an update and additional information.

Officials want customers, partners, and employees to know that the NH DOE and NH VR are doing everything they can to continue to provide crucial services to the best of the bureau’s ability.