Office of Social and Emotional Wellness
Welcome to the Office of Social and Emotional Wellness (OSEW). OSEW provides opportunities for technical assistance, professional development, and training, and facilitates access to state and federal funding in support of student wellness.
About OSEW
The Office of Social & Emotional Wellness' mission and vision and contact information.
Multi-Tiered System of Support for Behavioral Health and Wellness Model (MTSS-B)
NH's Multi-Tiered System of Support for Behavioral Health and Wellness Model is a comprehensive system of social, emotional, and behavioral supports to promote student wellness and improve engagement in learning.
Grants and Funding Opportunities
Information on grants and funding opportunities related to student wellness.
Current and Previous Grant Recipients
A list of current and past OSEW funding initiatives and the districts they served.
Resources and Professional Development
On our Canvas Portal page below, you'll find professional development opportunities, toolkits for educators and administrators on a variety of wellness and prevention topics, breakdowns of laws related to student wellness, and archived newsletters from the Bureau of Student Wellness & Nutrition.