About OSEW

All about the Office of Social and Emotional Wellness

OSEW Mission:

We advance youth social emotional wellness by collaborating with federal, state, community, and family partners to implement evidence‐based, data‐driven, preventative and responsive approaches to develop lifelong social emotional skills among New Hampshire students.


OSEW Vision: 

We strive to be an office that:

  • Leads in the field in supporting the social and emotional wellness of all students;
  • Provides evidence-based framework and technical assistance to districts and communities to take achieve measurable actionable outcomes for positive social emotional wellness;
  • Receives and disseminates federal and state funds to support the ongoing work of OSEW and NH Schools.
  • Empowers districts and communities to create sustainable infrastructures that improve student wellness;
  • Assisting school districts to create effective policy change for state and local districts.


Meet Our Team

Katherine Leswing
Administrator of the Office of Social and Emotional Wellness
(603) 271-3730

Molly White
Project Grant Consultant

Heather Clogston
Prevention Coordinator
State Law and Regulation
(603) 271-3769


Stefanie King
MTSS-B Consultant
(603) 271-0466

Molly White
MTSS-B Consultant 

Christine Lyna
MTSS-B Consultant 
(603) 271-3947

Kathryn Nichol
Family Engagement Coordinator


Elissa McCullough
Program Assistant
(603) 271-3720