Title I, Part A- School Improvement (1003)
Under section 1003 of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA), as amended, local educational agencies with schools identified for school improvement, corrective action, and restructuring under Section 1116 of Title I, Part A may be awarded supplemental funds to support efforts and initiatives aimed at raising student academic achievement. 1003 funds are reserved by the state educational agencies from its total Title I, Part A allocation.
Overview and Identification
The identification of CSI/TSI/ATSI schools is completed by the Office of Accountability and Assessment. Additional information about the identification and overview of the process can be found by following the link above.
Comprehensive Support and Improvement Plan (CSI)
- NHED CSI School Improvement Plan Template (updated 06/04/2024)
- NHED CSI School Improvement Plan Template (updated 06/04/2024)
- Resource Allocation Review Fact Sheet and Guidance
Targeted Support and Improvement (TSI)
- CSI Final Allocation 2024-2025
- CSI Final Allocation 2023-2024
- CSI Final Allocation 2022-2023
- CSI Final Allocations 2021-2022
- CSI Final Allocations 2019-2020
- CSI Allocations with Improvement Plan Summary 2023
- CSI Allocations with Improvement Plan Summary 2022
Corbett Coutts, Education Consultant II