Bureau of Instructional Support

The mission of this bureau is to improve the achievement of students by providing educational leadership through accountability and academics. As authorized by the Elementary and Secondary Education Act and amended by the "Every Student Succeeds Act", this Bureau also provides technical assistance and professional development opportunities in the implementation of federal grant programs through the Office of ESEA Title Programs.

Office of ESEA Title Programs

The Office of ESEA Title Programs administers federal programs provided to states and local education agencies authorized by the Elementary and Secondary Education Act as amended by the "Every Student Succeeds Act” while providing leadership, technical assistance and professional development to schools and community-based organizations in the implementation of specific federal grant programs. Additionally, the office reviews, approves, monitors and provides technical assistance for the activities that local education agencies fund through their federal title program allocations; and provides guidance and support for local education agencies’ use of the online grants management system to authorize and report on their use and distribution of federal title program funds.

Contact: Emily Fabian, Office of ESEA Title Programs Administrator II

Email: Emily.A.Fabian@doe.nh.gov

Phone: 603-931-9471

Office of Academics

The Office of Academics provides guidance and support in the area of academic standards, instruction, and assessment in the planning, developing, and coordinating academics educational programs for K-12 educators and other stakeholders in the state. Below are some available resources provided by this Office:

Other Instructional Support Pages

Bureau Contact

Jessica Lescarbeau
Bureau Administrator IV
(603) 271-0058