Arts Education
The Arts are part of a well-rounded education.
New Hampshire Arts Education Resources
- State law, RSA 193-E:2-a defines Arts Education
- Arts Education Administrative Rules Ed 306
- Arts is Essential
- Well-Rounded Education: Mapping Opportunities for the Arts
- NHAEA Arts Education Return to School
- NH Music Education: Return to School
New Hampshire Arts Standards and Model Competencies
- New Hampshire State Model K-12 Competencies - State Board Approved
- Arts Competencies Explained
- New Hampshire College and Career Ready Arts Standards: Curriculum Framework for the Arts (2001)
- Arts Assessment Handbook
Showcase: Student Works
- Virtual Art Show to Celebrate Youth Art Month 2021, Rundlett Middle School Art Department, Concord, NH.
- New Hampshire Scholastic Art Awards 2021 Showcase, Scholastic Art Awards of New Hampshire - An Affiliate Partner of the Alliance for Young Artists and Writers
The Arts and Social Emotional Learning
- NH Learning Institute's 2020 Summer Conference: Slide Deck by Bob Morrison and Marcia McCaffrey on The Arts & Social Emotional Learning
- Social Emotional Learning (SEL) and Collaborative for Academic, Social and Emotional Learning (CASEL) Crosswalk
New Hampshire Rocks: Modern Band in the Granite State
2022 Modern Band Request for Applications The NHED will offer to no less than eighteen (18) teachers two days of in-state, face to face training in modern band pedagogy. Additionally, each selected teacher will receive up to $2,500 for purchasing demonstration instruments for their classrooms and/or expenses related to being able to attend the New Hampshire based training such as mileage or substitute pay. Trainings will be held at Pembroke Academy in Pembroke, New Hampshire on Tuesday, August 23, 2022 and Thursday, September 22, 2022.
Modern Band Context: Modern band utilizes pedagogical practices aligned to the New Hampshire Arts Model Competencies. Modern band programs will leverage proven factors for student success as highlighted in the state’s ESSA plan such as:
- Student, parent, and family engagement
- Social emotion learning opportunities
- Teaching methods and materials that support the principles of Universal Design for Learning
- Expanding students’ opportunity for music as a component of a well-rounded education (Title IV-A)
Found Drum Challenge Videos:
- Dave Wish Founder, Little Kids Rock, Montclair, New Jersey
- Liberty Devitto, professional drummer (Billy Joel, Slim Kings) and Modern Band supporter