Professional Connections

Links to other adult education organizations.

COABE - Commission on Adult Basic Education

COABE, organized to "advance national and international adult education and literacy opportunities for all persons," sponsors conferences and publishes the ABE Journal. You can also find news about adult education issues on the COABE website.

  • Membership information: Please contact your local Director so that they may contact Sarah Bennett for a membership code.
  • Adult Education Resources – All conference materials are available six months after the date of the conference.
  • Webinars


LINCS is a national leadership initiative of the U.S. Department of Education, Office of Career, Technical, and Adult Education (OCTAE) to expand evidence-based practice in the field of adult education.

LINCS demonstrates OCTAE's commitment to delivering high-quality, on-demand educational opportunities to practitioners of adult education, so those practitioners can help adult learners successfully transition to postsecondary education and 21st century jobs.

LINCS is comprised of:

  1. LINCS Resource Collection
  2. LINCS Professional Development Center
  3. LINCS Community, an online community of practice
  4. the Learning Portal

These components provide adult educators with the information, resources, professional development activities, and online network they need to enhance their practice and ensure their adult students receive high-quality learning opportunities.

New England Literacy Resource Center (NELRC)

New England Literacy Resource Center supports the right of all adult members of our community to access adult education and training services regardless of race, religion, gender identity, immigration status, nationality, age or ability. We support programs in protecting the safety, dignity, and civil rights of all who attend.

NELRC is involved in Supporting Immigrant Students

At a time of increasing threats to our students based on some aspect of their identities (race, religion, immigrant status, gender identity, etc.), adult educators have a role to play in creating safety, dispelling myths, and building the capacity of students to engage civically for their rights.

NELRC supports The Change Agent

Hear what adult learners have to say about the challenges and opportunities they face as they work to achieve their goals. Share their hopes and moments of regret as they learn and grow from their sometimes twisted paths toward a career. Hear from young people just starting out, older students switching careers, highly skilled immigrants who need new credentials, and those for whom available career pathways don’t quite align with their dreams. Compare pathway maps, lattices, and roadways. Study graphs and charts that encourage critical thinking about job prospects. Support your students to pursue research that will teach them about jobs and careers, as well as how to connect with resources.

New Hampshire Humanities

New Hampshire Humanities provides opportunities to cultivate curiosity, connect across cultures, examine beliefs, practice civility, strengthen community bonds, ignite ideas, inspire a passion for learning, and engage in civic life.


New Hampshire Humanities adult literacy program Connections brings the best of children’s and young adult literature and New Hampshire Humanities-trained discussion facilitators to more than 500 adult learners each year. Quality books and stimulating discussions promote English language skills, cultivate conversations about ideas, reinforce family literacy, support a culture of reading, and encourage civic engagement.

Humanities to Go

New Hampshire Humanities' most accessible and far-reaching program is our speakers bureau, Humanities to Go. It enables nonprofit organizations and community groups to offer free, high-quality cultural programs to the public at minimal cost to the host. Each year 400 Humanities to Go programs get 12,500-plus NH residents together in more than 165 local community settings to learn together on topics that challenge one’s understanding of the past and expand one’s perspectives.

Northern New England Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages (NNETESOL)

Northern New England Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages (NNETESOL), an affiliate of the global association of Teachers for Speakers of Other Languages, Inc. (TESOL Inc.), serves Maine, New Hampshire, and Vermont. We serve all ESL professionals in the region working in private and public K-12 schools, post secondary schools, and adult education programs.


ProLiteracy, the largest adult literacy and basic education membership organization in the nation, believes that a safer, stronger, and more sustainable society starts with an educated adult population. For more than 60 years, ProLiteracy has been working across the globe to create a world where every person can read and write.

The Right Question Institute

The Right Question Institute aims to make democracy work better by teaching a strategy that allows anyone, no matter their educational, income or literacy level, to learn to ask better questions and participate more effectively in decisions that affect them.

The Right Question institute developed the Question Formulation Techniqu™ or QFT™.

The purpose of using QFT™ with your students is: to get students to ask their own questions, which in turn creates students who are invested in their learning and who see a purpose to their learning since there is a direct connection to the lesson and to what they want to learn. When students are allowed to ask their own questions, they become empowered.

The uses of QFT™ range from brainstorming, to writing an essay, to engaging in a debate or thoughtful class discussion, as well as deepening of math and science concepts. QFT™ can be used at the beginning, middle and end of a unit of learning. When using QFT™, students are more engaged, they learn more, and they feel confident in their ability.