Assessment Data

The results of the state assessment are summarized for each school and each grade

The results of the state assessment are summarized for each school and each grade. The disaggregated files provide the percent of students who scored at each level on the assessment L4 and L3 being proficient (and above proficient), Level 2 and 1 being below proficient. Additionally, for each group of students you can find the average score on the assessment. These files are valuable for researches and those interested in analyzing the data across all grades or schools.

Please note that the score ranges vary for each grade and so a 440 on one grade's assessment, is not the same as a 540 on another grade's assessment. Additionally, to protect the privacy of students, the data is suppressed when considering small numbers of students. Finally, please visit the iPlatform for user friendly graphical representations of the assessment results.

2023-24 Disaggregated Data

Disaggregated Data File Regular Denominator

Denominator is the number of students tested.

2022-23 Disaggregated Data

Disaggregated Data File Regular Denominator

Denominator is the number of students tested.

2021-22 Disaggregated Data

Disaggregated Data File Regular Denominator

Denominator is the number of students tested.

2020-21 Disaggregated Data

Disaggregated Data File Regular Denominator

Denominator is the number of students tested.

2018-19 Disaggregated Data

Disaggregated Data File Regular Denominator

Denominator is the number of students tested.

Disaggregated Data File 95% Denominator

Denominator is the greater of 1) students tested or 2) 95% of students who should have participated.

2017-2018 Disaggregated Data

Disaggregated Data File Regular Denominator

Denominator is the number of students tested.

Disaggregated Data File 95% Denominator

Denominator is the greater of 1) students tested or 2) 95% of students who should have participated.

2021-2022 and 2022-2023 Aggregated Data By Town of Responsibility

Regular Denominator


Prior Years' Results

















National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) Results

State performance on the NAEP test at each achievement level (Below Basic, Basic, Proficient, Advanced), subject (mathematics and reading), and grades (4 & 8), compared to the national average of such results. Also includes statewide NAEP participation rates for children with disabilities and English learners. Latest two testing rounds included (2022 and 2019).