General Information & Resources

Below please find links to Assessment resources

  • Exemptions

New Hampshire state law permits a parent/legal guardian to exempt their student from participating in any of the required statewide assessments. School districts must ensure a form is provided for a parent/legal guardian to complete and sign in order to exempt their student from participating in the statewide assessment. A school district may use this parent opt-out form template; Spanish version of parent opt-out form template.

If a parent/legal guardian exempts their student, the school district and parent must agree upon an alternative educational activity during the testing period. It is recommended that the agreed upon activity is written on the exemption form that will be signed by the parent/legal guardian and school administrator, along with an acknowledgement statement that the exempted student will not receive an individual score or summary of academic performance based on the statewide assessment.

  • Special Considerations Waiver

Each year, students with very serious, chronic, and fragile medical or other conditions can and do participate successfully in New Hampshire’s Statewide Assessment Program. However, there are rare and unique situations in which a student is unable to participate in any part of the statewide assessment.

Such decisions must be made with the greatest care and restraint. A special considerations waiver must be submitted to the New Hampshire Department of Education for approval. The special considerations waiver request form is submitted to via the Assessment Roster in the i4see system. Refer to instructions.