ACCESS, Alternate ACCESS and WIDA Screener for English Learners

English learners (ELs) Kindergarten - Grade 12 are required annually to take either the ACCESS or Alternate ACCESS for ELs. Initial EL eligibility is determined through administration of the WIDA Screener, an English language proficiency assessment.


ACCESS is taken annually by English learners in Kindergarten – Grade 12. The test measures annual progress towards development of English language proficiency.

ACCESS Testing Window: January 27 - March 21, 2025

Program Coordinator/Educator Resources

Scoring Appeals

The scoring appeal process enables the NHED to review any concerns raised by school districts regarding perceived inaccuracies in one or more areas of a student's individual score report, or a miscalculation of a student's overall composite score.

Alternate ACCESS for ELLs

For English learners with the most significant cognitive disabilities, the Alternate ACCESS for ELLs is the state adopted alternate assessment.

Family Resources

Exit and Reclassification of English learners

WIDA Screener

The WIDA Screener is the state approved English language proficiency assessment given to new students in grades K-12. The screener is used to measure a student's English language proficiency and to determine eligibility as an English language learner.

Additional resources for NH EL Educators and ACCESS Test Coordinators are available in the WIDA Secure Portal.

Technical Reports