How do I handle a student that simply does not "show up"?


How do I handle a student that simply does not "show up"?


We have a variety of withdrawal codes that are used to ensure all non-returners are accounted for and
to identify summer drop-outs. For every student that was not withdrawn during the prior school year
(that is they were enrolled through the end of the school year), we make sure that they arrive in a
school in the Fall. i4see automatically generates a report for the school where the child was enrolled at
the end of the prior school year (if that child does not appear in any NH public school in the fall). That
school must then follow-up on all of these students. Either the student's correct withdrawal code is
determined (e.g. transferred to a private school) or the student is identified as a drop-out (one of the
withdraw codes). For a complete list of withdrawal codes (exit codes), visit our Data Dictionary: (choose
the BOY or EOY submissions. From there you click on the exit code or entry code fields to see the codes).
I4see is currently in the process of modifying them for 07-08 to provide a bit more detail, including a
new code to track students who attend alternative (adult ed) programs.