What are the steps to resolving a complaint?


What are the steps to resolving a complaint?

  • After receiving your letter, it will be reviewed by the Complaints office of the Bureau of Special Education.
  • If the issues are appropriate for the complaint procedures, then:
    • An independent investigator is assigned to the case.
    • A courtesy telephone call is made to the school district's director of special education stating that a complaint has been filed telling them who filed the complaint and what it is about and what federal and/or state regulations are involved.
    • A letter is sent to both the complainant and the school district giving them the name of the investigator, a copy of the complaint letter and identifying what federal and/or state regulations are involved.
  • If necessary, the person filing the complaint may contact the complaint officer and may correct any errors made in summarizing the issues.
  • The investigator will review appropriate educational records and interview both the parents and school district officials and staff to determine the facts. When the investigation is complete, the investigator will submit a written report to NHDOE.
  • The NHDOE Complaints officer will review the report and issue a decision based upon the investigator's finding of fact and the relevant state and federal rules and regulations.
  • The Commissioner of Education reviews the decisions and makes a determination of what corrective action, if any, is warranted. The commissioner signs the decision. The decision will be issued no later than 60 days after the complaint was received by NHDOE. The timeline may be extended if the Department determines that exceptional circumstances exist that delay the decision.
  • If any party is aggrieved by the decision, he or she has 10 days from the date the decision was received to request reconsideration. Within 20 days of receiving a request for reconsideration, the Commissioner will determine whether reconsideration is merited and will issue a final determination. Any party still aggrieved may request a due process hearing or file an appeal in accordance with Ed 200.