For Immediate Release
Posted: April 17, 2019


Tony Schinella, Communications Director
(603) 271-0448 |

Work Begins On Career & Technical Education State Plan

Parents, students, educators, businesses and others can participate in listening sessions about the future of CTE.

CONCORD - The New Hampshire Department of Education is hosting regional listening sessions around the state to collect public input on the state plan development process occurring as a result of the passage of the federal Perkins V: Strengthening Career and Technical Education for the 21st Century Act. Each session will be co-hosted by a local school district or community organization at regional locations. An online survey, linked here, has been created to collect additional public comment.

Listening sessions give students, parents, educators, business leaders, policymakers and community members the chance to weigh in on important components of the state’s current career and technical education delivery model. Additionally, it provides an opportunity for input on a student-centered vision that includes improvements for the future. The interactions and thoughts expressed during these sessions and in the online survey will be collected, reviewed, and considered during the process of developing a state plan for New Hampshire career and technical education from 2020 through 2024.

The Carl D. Perkins Vocational and Technical Act was authorized in 1984 and has since been reauthorized in 1998 and 2006. This latest reauthorization, in 2018, has been long awaited and provides an opportunity to implement improvements that are necessary to support the rapidly changing technical developments impacting education and industry on a global scale. The state plan development process is a unique opportunity to highlight what is working in career and technical education and to integrate changes that will improve career and technical education to better serve students, the Granite State economy and our community.

“This is an important opportunity for community members to weigh in on the future of career and technical education in New Hampshire and how that plays into the overall education ecosystem,” stated Frank Edelblut, the commissioner of the New Hampshire Department of Education. “My hope is that we will have input from many voices across the state.”

The following dates and locations for listening sessions have been confirmed:

Meeting Dates

  • From 9 to 10 a.m. on June 4, via Zoom online meeting
  • From 6 to 8 p.m. on June 10, at the Grappone Toyota 594 Route 3A in Bow (date change)
  • From 6 to 8 p.m. on June 13, at the Cheshire Career Center in Keene.

Anyone who can’t make the meeting can watch a Zoom video presentation from March.

Additional dates and locations will be announced as they are confirmed. For more information, contact Jeff Beard at

The online survey will remain live through May 31.