For Immediate Release
Posted: October 11, 2019


Grant Bosse , Director of Communications
(603) 271-0448 |

Want to start a Robotics Team?

DOE seeking applications for $1.5 million in Robots Education grants

CONCORD – The New Hampshire Department of Education is seeking applications from schools looking to join the NH Robotics Education Development Program. Two-year grants totaling $1.5 million will be available for school robotics teams, and can be used for the purchase of robotics kits, stipends for coaches, and competition expenses including transportation.

The purpose of the program is to motivate public school students, including those attending traditional and charter schools, to pursue educational and career opportunities in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics, while building critical life and work-related skills. Grants from the robotics education fund established in RSA 188-E:24 shall be available to any eligible public school, traditional or charter, for the purpose of financing the establishment of a robotics team and its participation in competitive events.

"Robotics is a great way to engage students in math and science, giving them hands-on experience and life-long memories," said Education Commissioner Frank Edelblut. "New Hampshire has been a leader in robotics education, and this program will help bring that opportunity to more students."


  • Must be for students attending public schools, traditional or charter.
  • The school must develop a two-year itemized budget for the robotics program.
  • The school must establish a partnership with, or have a valid letter of commitment from, at least one sponsor, such as a business entity or institution of higher education.
  • The school must participate in at least one competitive event each year.
  • Grants will support robotics teams for the next two years.

Please email the completed application to:

Melissa White, Science/STEM Education Consultant
Bureau of Student Support
New Hampshire Department of Education

Grant Application Deadline is November 15, 2019.

For more information, contact Melissa White at or 603-271-3855.