For Immediate Release
Date: March 17, 2022


Kim Houghton, Communications Administrator
(603) 513-3030 |

Using Esports to build STEM skills in New Hampshire

Uptime Esports approved as a new Learn Everywhere program 

CONCORD, NH (March 17, 2022) — While esports has gained traction throughout the country, here in New Hampshire, the untraditional sports phenomenon is being used to promote teamwork, engage students and boost the exploration of STEM concepts and career paths.

“Esports is the fastest growing sport in the world, and it is the most popular sport for kids in middle school and high school right now,” said Tim Schneider, co-founder of Uptime Esports, which has locations in Bedford, Exeter and Hanover, Mass. “The kids that come to our program are engineering and STEM-focused students, so we try to open up a wider view of knowledge to them, other than just gaming.”

Uptime Esports offers programs focused around competitive gaming, coding, engineering, game design and computer building. It also offers sensory friendly gaming. Its curriculum has been designed by STEM and NAECAD-certified professional coaches, in collaboration with the New England Institute of Technology and Shenandoah University. 

“We are thrilled to offer students a platform where they can learn how to build a personal computer, explore the world of cryptocurrencies and engage in critical thinking concepts – all while competing in a sport they are already passionate about,” said Frank Edelblut, commissioner or education. “Including Uptime Esports into our growing field of Learn Everywhere programs will expand opportunities in New Hampshire and allow students to capture learning that will count toward graduation and help meet the needs of all children.” 

Uptime Esports is one of 15 Learn Everywhere programs approved by the State Board of Education since its inception. Learn Everywhere, an innovative education program unique to New Hampshire, allows students to earn credit for learning outside of the classroom. Launched in 2018, the Learn Everywhere program is a unique approach to learning that takes the state’s philosophy, law and rules, and multiplies educational opportunities for students in support of local schools. 

The State Board of Education approved Uptime Esports as a new Learn Everywhere program on March 10, along with Portsmouth Aikido, a non-profit dedicated to practicing and teaching the traditional Japanese martial art of Aikido. 

“It is inspiring to have a new round of Learn Everywhere applications receive approval. Our hope is to enlarge this program throughout the year and take advantage of the different types of instruction that might not take place in a traditional school setting,” said Nate Greene, administrator of the Bureau of Educational Opportunities at NHDOE.

“Through the Learn Everywhere program, New Hampshire high school students interested in science and technology now can get a technology elective credit through Uptime Esports, a marine science credit through the Seacoast Science Center, biology, physics and chemistry credits through the New Hampshire Academy of Science, and eight different credits through First Robotics, including computer science, engineering and manufacturing,” said Drew Cline, chairman of the State Board of Education. “We’re proud to open so many new learning opportunities for our students. And we’re just getting started.” 

For more information on Learn Everywhere, visit its website. To learn more about Uptime Esports, visit Uptime Academy.