For Immediate Release
Posted: March 13, 2018


Tony Schinella, Communications Director
(603) 271-0448 |

Surrender of Teaching Credential by Rekha Luther

Rekha Luther voluntarily surrendered her teaching certificate after she entered a guilty plea to one (1) count of Possession of a Narcotic Drug in a Safe School Zone and one (1) count of Possession of a Controlled Drug in a Safe School Zone, both of which are felonies. These charges were predicated upon Ms. Luther having brought heroin onto school property at the school where she worked. Based upon the nature of these convictions, the Department of Education sought the revocation of Ms. Luther’s credential.

“Ensuring that our students are safe in the classroom and in the school community is a top priority for the Department of Education,” said Commissioner Frank Edelblut. “Thankfully incidents involving a certified educator pleading guilty to a criminal offense such as this are extremely rare. However, when they do occur, the Department of Education acts quickly and takes all appropriate measures to ensure the safety of our students while being mindful of the rights of our educators.”

“The Department of Education worked with all parties involved in this case to reach a fair and just resolution in this case,” said Commissioner Edelblut. “I want to thank everyone for their hard work and cooperation in this matter.”