For Immediate Release
Posted: October 23, 2017


New Hampshire Department of Education
6032710448 |

Statewide Results on Student Assessment

The New Hampshire Department of Education released finalized Smarter Balanced and SAT student assessment data Monday, October 23, 2017. Results show a decline in proficiency in both English language arts and mathematics, consistent with other Smarter Balanced consortium states in grades 3 through 8. SAT results indicate a slight increase in grade 11 mathematics proficiency.

SAT Test Results
Change from
Change from
Grade 3 SBAC 54% -3% 55% -3%
Grade 4 SBAC 56% -2% 51% -1%
Grade 5 SBAC 61% -2% 45% -3%
Grade 6 SBAC 57% -4% 46% -1%
Grade 7 SBAC 63% -1% 50% -3%
Grade 8 SBAC 58% -4% 45% -2%
State SBAC 58% -3% 49% -2%
Grade 11 SAT 66% 0% 44% 3%
State SAT & SBAC 59% -2% 48% -1%

"We are obviously concerned about the decline in student performance and will be working closely with schools to understand the underlying drivers," commented Frank Edelblut, Commissioner of Education. "It is interesting that all of the states that participated in the Smarter Balanced consortium for 2016-2017 saw a similar decline in their English language arts results, except California, which stayed even."

Assessment results provide valuable information for schools and districts as they work to strengthen instruction and personalize learning. To ensure that aggregated results are accurately assigned to districts, they must go through a rigorous validation process. This includes the superintendent's review of preliminary district results and verification of school enrollment information; and concludes with the release of the final statewide accountability reports on the NH School and District Profile page:

"Now that the data has been certified, we will do some deep analysis to understand the results, looking at how our districts, schools, and subgroups performed," stated Sandie MacDonald, the administrator for the Bureau of Instructional Support and Student Assessment. "While schools and families have had individualized student information to assist in supporting students since last spring, this is the Departments first opportunity to look at the aggregate state and district data we need to support our schools."

The statewide assessment results for PACE and NECAP science will be forthcoming.