For Immediate Release
Posted: October 28, 2019


Grant Bosse , Director of Communications
(603) 271-0448 |

Statement of Commissioner Frank Edelblut on Concord Principal Tom Sica

CONCORD - Education Commissioner Frank Edelblut issued this statement following a report in the Concord Monitor that Principal Tom Sica remained involved in school district operations while on administrative leave:

"We are deeply disappointed that the Concord School District led the department and the public to believe that Principal Sica was actually on leave and not involved in the operations of the high school when records show that he remained active in school business. Allowing Principal Sica to work during an internal investigation of his conduct potentially undermines the integrity of that investigation. We certainly hope that the investigator was aware of Mr. Sica's continued involvement while out on leave and expect all school districts to be honest and transparent with their communities."