For Immediate Release
Posted: October 31, 2017


New Hampshire Department of Education
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State Educational Technology Directors Association (SETDA) Honors Stanley Freeda, New Hampshire Department of Education, with 2017 State Leader of the Year Award

The principal membership association of U.S. state and territorial educational technology leaders announced Stanley Freeda, State Educational Technology Director and Online Learning Specialist for the New Hampshire Department of Education, as the recipient of the 2017 SETDA State Leader of the Year (SLY) Award. Freeda accepted the award at the 2017 Leadership Summit in National Harbor, Maryland. The annual SLY Award honors an active SETDA member who has exhibited exemplary national and state leadership in educational technology. The awardee actively supports districts in his or her state to improve digital learning opportunities for all students, collaborates with members and other peers nationally through SETDA initiatives and committees, and engages with the broader education and policymaking communities to advocate for the role of technology in advancing education.“Stan has done a great job in providing districts and schools access to technological opportunities to offer an exceptional education for all our New Hampshire students,” said Frank Edelblut, Commissioner. “New Hampshire has been nationally recognized for its public education vision and this is another example of the dedication of the Department staff toward creating more opportunities for our students that meet their individual learning styles and help them reach high levels of achievement.”

“It’s a great honor to be recognized by your peers for the work that you do. SETDA members are very dedicated, energetic and collaborative. I was thrilled and surprised when selected for this award,” Freeda said. “Over the years, I have worked on many SETDA projects that have enhanced my ability and added valuable resources that I can use to offer guidance to my constituents in schools. The collaborative experiences with my SETDA colleagues throughout the year, both online and face to face, provide opportunities for my own professional growth.”

“Stan is both a great state leader and a model SETDA member,” noted Tracy Weeks, Executive Director of SETDA. “He is active on both SETDA’s State Engagement and Strategic Partnerships committees and is always willing to share SETDA resources with the field.”

SETDA past board chair and previous SLY Award winner, Candice Dodson, Director of e-Learning for the Indiana Department of Education shared, “It was an honor and delight to award Stan Freeda the 2017 SETDA State Leader of the Year award. Stan embodies all aspects of what SETDA values and champions in digital learning leadership.”