For Immediate Release
Posted: February 03, 2020


Grant Bosse, Director of Communications
(603) 271-0448 |

Searching for NH's Teacher of the Year

Nominate an outstanding teacher by February 14

The search in on for New Hampshire's 2021 Teacher of the Year, and nominations are now open.

A Teacher of the Year candidate should be an exceptionally dedicated, knowledgeable, and skilled classroom teacher from any state-approved or accredited school, pre-kindergarten through grade twelve, who is certified in the State of New Hampshire, demonstrates leadership, and intends to continue in the teaching profession. The purpose of the program is to select a teacher who is capable of speaking for and energizing the teaching profession, and representing the positive contributions of all teachers statewide. Selecting a Teacher of the Year is an exceptional way to celebrate the many outstanding and dedicated people teaching in New Hampshire schools.

"New Hampshire schools are consistently near the top of national rankings, in part because of the quality of our teachers. The Teacher of the Year program acknowledges the importance of classroom teachers in changing student' lives for the better," said State Board of Education Member Cindy Chagnon. "As a long-time member of the selection committee, I have seen the wonderful things going in the classrooms across New Hampshire, and want to thank all our teachers for giving so much of themselves for our students, and encourage them to participate in the Teacher of the Year program."

The 2021 Teacher of the Year will be the state's nominee for the National Teacher of the Year Program, a project of the Council of Chief State School Officers in partnership with the Voya Foundation. Geskus Studios and Yearbook Publishing is proud to sponsor the New Hampshire Teacher of the Year program for the third consecutive year.

"I am always impressed by the skill and dedication of Teacher of the Year nominees whenever I visit their classrooms," said Deputy Commissioner Christine Brennan. "If you know a teacher who deserves to be recognized, I want to encourage you to send in a nomination."

"Teaching is powerfully impactful work. We are so much more than teachers; we are change agents and empowerment machines. We are charged with guiding the future, changing sorrow to happiness, darkness to light, confusion to understanding, hopeless to hope-filled," added 2019 Teacher of the Year Keith Noyes, who is on this year's selection committee. "Making students excited to live a life filled with continued growth and learning opportunities is a passion for so many educators. What a tremendous and unbelievable responsibility."

The 2021 Teacher of the Year will be honored at New Hampshire's annual Celebrating Leadership in Education Banquet and be invited to join colleagues from across the nation at the CCSSO's Teacher of the Year Program. For more information about the Teacher of the Year Program go to

Nominations can be sent to Lori Kincaid, NH Teacher of the Year Coordinator, New Hampshire Department of Education, 101 Pleasant Street, Concord, NH 03301 or e-mail If you have any questions, please telephone Lori Kincaid at (603) 271-6646.