For Immediate Release
Posted: November 09, 2019


Tony Schinella, Communications Director
(603) 271-0448 |

Orphans Of Veterans Receive Scholarships From The NH DOE

$2,500 grants can be used to offset the cost of books, supplies, and board.

CONCORD – The New Hampshire Department of Education issued checks for $2,500 to two orphans of veterans to assist them with college expenses. The scholarships are part of the Orphan of Veterans program that helps war orphans offset the cost of college for items such as books and supplies. The students – Mariah Carroll of Durham, who is attending UNH, and Jewel Bernier of Milton, who is attending Plymouth State University – were on hand with their families to receive checks on Nov. 8, 2018, and meet with dignitaries including the adjutant and deputy adjutant general of the New Hampshire National Guard and the commissioner of the NH DOE.

Carroll's father was a combat infantryman in Vietnam and earned four bronze stars before entering law enforcement. Bernier’s mother served in the Air Force during Operations Desert Shield and Desert Storm. They both passed away due to injuries they received during their service.

"This program is a great way of honoring those who gave the ultimate sacrifice and also assist their children, noted Frank Edelblut, the commissioner of the New Hampshire Department of Education. "We respect their service, appreciate it, and want to communicate that to you."

Brig. Gen. David Mikolaities, the adjutant general of the New Hampshire National Guard, was also in attendance for the event and stressed the education benefits available to students who join the arms services.

"All those benefits, I think, set people up for success in their lives," he said. “"ust the service piece, that you are here, to fortunately and unfortunately, reap the rewards, of your parents’ sacrifice in service, is amazing and we truly appreciate it."

RSA 193:19 was established in 1943 to give children of soldiers who lost their lives during World War II the opportunity to apply for a scholarship to attend college. The program has been updated numerous times to cover other wars and conflicts through the Gulf War. In 1981, the law was updated to allow orphaned children of veterans to also obtain free tuition to the University System of New Hampshire colleges and universities and the Community College System of New Hampshire. The Orphans of Veterans program is able to issue four $2,500 grants each year.

For more information about the application process and records needed to qualify, contact Patricia Edes at the Division of Higher Education, 101 Pleasant St., Concord, NH 03301 or contact her via email at