For Immediate Release
Posted: September 11, 2018


Tony Schinella, Communications Director
(603) 271-0448 |

NH's First Work-Based Learning Excellence Awards Scheduled for Sept. 25

Event: Celebrating Work-Based Learning In NH
Date: Tuesday, Sept. 25, 2018, at the McAuliffe-Shepard Discovery Center, 2 Institute Drive, Concord, NH

Work-based learning is an educational strategy that offers students knowledge and skills through instruction or study, in a real-world employment environment, to deepen their learning and explore career fields in an authentic setting. It is an essential component of New Hampshire’s career and technical centers, extended learning opportunities in high school, and community college programs, including apprenticeships. A team consisting of educators, educational and government leaders, and industry representatives are currently developing best practices and related materials to promote effective work-based learning programs throughout New Hampshire.

On Sept. 25, Gov. Chris Sununu and others will celebrate leaders in the field that are implementing exceptional opportunities. Please join us in recognizing New Hampshire’s first-ever Work-Based Learning Excellence Award Winners.

Awards will be presented for:

  • Work-Based Learning Industry Partner Champions
  • Work-Based Learning Student Recognition Champions
  • Work-Based Learning Teacher/Counselor Champions
  • Work-Based Learning Government Champions
  • Work-Based Learning Overall Champion


8 a.m. Registration

8:30 a.m. Welcome – NGA Team

8:45 a.m. Speakers

  • Gov. Chris Sununu
  • Frank Edelblut, commissioner, New Hampshire Department of Education
  • Jeremy Hitchcock, chair, Community College System of NH’s Board of Trustees
  • Peter McNamara, president, New Hampshire Automotive Dealers Association

9:15 a.m. Awards presentation

9:30 a.m. Closing

To RSVP, visit Celebrating Work-Based Learning EventBrite

Read more about work-based learning and extended learning opportunities: