For Immediate Release
Posted: July 14, 2017


New Hampshire Department of Education
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New Hampshire's Quick Action Helps Daniel Webster College's Staff and Students

Last week, 18 states sued the US Department of Education (USDE) and Secretary Betsy DeVos over the suspension of rules that would have swiftly canceled the student-loan debt of people defrauded by Corinthian Colleges Inc., ITT, and other for-profit schools. When ITT was on the brink of bankruptcy last September, immediate action was required to prevent the loss of Daniel Webster College (DWC) accreditation and therefore access to federal student aid. Efforts taken by Ed MacKay, Director, Division of Higher Education - Higher Education Commission, NH Department of Education; Paul LeBlanc, President, Southern New Hampshire University (SNHU); and staff from the New England Association of Schools and Colleges (NEASC) and the USDE led to creating a transition plan for current DWC students, faculty and staff. Approval was secured from DWC, ITT, NEASC, USDE, and the Higher Education Commission in less than a week. The plan enabled students close to graduation to complete their degrees on the Nashua campus this year and for all other students to have the opportunity to transition to SNHU and continue in their same academic programs without loss of credit.

“This collaborative effort was an unprecedented accomplishment within that short period of time,” said MacKay.

Frank Edelblut, Commissioner, NH Department of Education stated, “I am proud of the fast action taken by all. A plan was developed and no students attending Daniel Webster College needed to file for debt relief based on the federal “Borrower Defense” provisions. New Hampshire does not need to join the other states in their litigation.”