For Immediate Release
Posted: March 24, 2023

iGrant platform expands to highlight more federal funding allocations in New Hampshire

CONCORD, NH — The New Hampshire Department of Education’s iGrant dashboard, which was deployed last October to provide transparency relative to the record amount of federal COVID relief funds granted to schools, has now expanded its platform by adding substantial content and offering even more open and transparent data on how federal dollars are being distributed statewide. 

The dashboard webpage, which was created to showcase the unprecedented amount of federal COVID relief funds being spent in New Hampshire, now includes numerous other federal programs.

In addition to tracking federal education funds from the American Rescue Plan Elementary and Secondary Relief Fund, iGrant now highlights nine other federal programs and their allocations to schools, school districts and the state. 

“New Hampshire is one of the first education departments in the nation to implement such a robust and in-depth platform with a real-time reporting system to display federal allocations and spending details for the many federal grant programs in our schools,” said Frank Edelblut, education commissioner. “On the heels of Sunshine Week, an initiative that promotes the importance of open government, iGrant serves as a soapbox for transparency and accountability, and we are delighted to be able to provide this valuable resource to New Hampshire citizens.”

The newly updated, interactive and real-time webpage provides details on the following funds being spent in New Hampshire:

  • IDEA/IDEA Preschool
  • McKinney-Vento Homeless Education
  • Title I Part A
  • Title I Part D Subpart 2
  • Title II Part A 
  • Title III
  • Title III Immigrant Children & Youth
  • Title IV A
  • Title V Part B Subpart 2-RLIS

More updates will be made to the webpage in the near future, including school-level and reporting authority data.