For Immediate Release
Posted: September 20, 2018


Tony Schinella, Communications Director
(603) 271-0448 |

Employers Hire Hundreds of New Hampshire Residents With Disabilities

Five employers will be honored on Oct. 10, with Employment Leadership Awards.

CONCORD – More than 500 employers in the state of New Hampshire hired 610 individuals with disabilities in 2018, according to data released by NH Vocation Rehabilitation. These employers – 520 in all – feeling the pain of a tight labor market, are excited to find employees that are high quality and committed to their jobs.

“When I look at that list every year, I’m proud of the number of New Hampshire businesses that place people with disabilities in employment opportunities,” stated Lisa Hinson-Hatz, the director of NH VR. “The businesses are in nearly every sector including manufacturing, retail, hospitality, media, medical, automotive, and other industries.”

Nationally, individuals with disabilities enjoy employment success consistent with the broader population. Most of the employers on the list, she noted, offered full-time work but some – like those in seasonal businesses – offered part-time positions, but on an ongoing basis and found that employees tended to remain in the positions.

NH Vocational Rehabilitation has a team of professionals dedicated to interacting with businesses to help them fill their employment needs, including reaching out to businesses considering relocating or expanding in New Hampshire.

“This is a success story for NH Vocational Rehabilitation that they don’t share widely enough,” said Frank Edelblut, the commissioner of the New Hampshire Department of Education. “It is great to see so many New Hampshire companies filling positions with high quality and highly committed individuals who need and want employment.”

Next month, five employers will be honored with awards as part of the 10th Annual Employment Leadership Awards at 5 p.m. on Wednesday, Oct. 10, 2018, at the Holiday Inn on North Main Street in Concord. The event is hosted by the Developmental Disabilities Council of New Hampshire.