For Immediate Release
Posted: November 04, 2019


Grant Bosse , Director of Communications
(603) 271-0448 |

Edelblut named to National Assessment Governing Board

Will help set policy for America’s Report Card

CONCORD - New Hampshire Education Commissioner Frank Edelblut has been appointed to the National Assessment Governing Board (NAGB). The 26-member board, appointed by U.S. Education Secretary Betsy DeVos, sets policy for the National Assessment of Education Progress (NAEP) known as America’s Report Card.

Edelblut's term runs through 2023. He will join governors, legislators, educators, and business professionals from around the country in crafting the assessments used to measure educational progress for American students.

"I am honored to be entrusted with this important responsibility. Assessments are vital to monitoring how well we are educating our students, but we must constantly work to improve our assessments tools," Edelblut said in accepting the national post. "We must ensure that parents and educators have the best information possible in order to make the right education decisions for our students. NAEP provides feedback and accountability for our schools."

The NAGB meets quarterly to determine which subjects will be tested, set content and achievement levels for each assessment, approve test questions, and improve the reporting of results.

For more information on the National Assessment Governing Board, visit