For Immediate Release
Posted: September 23, 2020


New Hampshire Department of Education
6032710448 |

DOE distributes 300 LEGO Braille Brick Kits to NH Schools

Interactive tool teaches Braille through play-based learning

CONCORD- The New Hampshire Department of Education, NH Accessible Educational Materials (NHAEM) is distributing 300 LEGO® Braille Brick Kits from the American Printing House for the Blind (APH) to New Hampshire schools. APH is an official partner responsible for distributing LEGO Braille Bricks.

LEGO® Braille Brick Kits are offered FREE of charge by the LEGO Foundation, and have been designed to be used with an educational curriculum that is led by a teacher. Braille is an essential tool for young people with visual impairments; the LEGO Foundation designed the bricks as a fun way to reinforce braille skill, learning through play.

“Play-based learning is an effective way for young students to acquire and practice new skills,” said Education Commissioner Frank Edelblut. “LEGO Braille Bricks are an innovative and interactive way for students to learn and practice Braille, and we want to thank the LEGO Foundation for its generosity.”

LEGO® Braille Bricks are being distributed to APH Ex-Officio Trustees (EOT), who will work to distribute to teachers and classrooms. The LEGO Foundation’s hope is to ensure many years of learning, by having them passed down from student-to-student. A short video showing a Concord student unboxing the LEGO® Braille Brick Kit is available.

For more information on LEGO® Braille Brick Kits, contact Mary Lane at (603) 271-3740 or or Barbara Dauphinais at (603) 271-3791 or