For Immediate Release
Date: May 10, 2023


Kim Houghton, Communications Administrator
(603) 513-3030 |

Department of Education Expands Access to College and Career Guidance

Parents and School Counselors Obtain Tools to Support Students

CONCORD, NH — Continuing with its efforts to improve college and career decision-making, the New Hampshire Department of Education (NHED) has selected College Guidance Network (CGN) to provide support services to students, families and school counselors to navigate the sometimes difficult and confusing pathway to post-secondary education opportunities. 

This initiative will empower school counselors to better support their college and career-bound students to confidently navigate the college admissions process to make strong, responsible decisions. Students and supporting educators at high schools across the state will gain unlimited access to CGN School – a service that will be available to families at all participating New Hampshire public and non-public schools, as well as home education families. 

“This comprehensive content solution can be thought of as a democratization of the post-secondary application process. All students and families will have access to relevant and timely content to help them navigate the post-secondary application,” said Frank Edelblut, education commissioner. “CGN not only facilitates and enhances post-secondary decision making, but also serves as a tremendous resource for parents hoping to better guide their student through a complex and often expensive decision. This partnership also aids our school counselors in their ongoing efforts to assist students who may be overwhelmed or seeking additional post-secondary guidance.”

CGN School is a comprehensive online solution with a year-round, live expert speaker series, on-demand content that includes decision-making tools and interactive timelines that map out the post-secondary application process for students and parents. The speaker series includes leading national experts in college admissions, career pathways and financial aid. In addition, tailored content featuring New Hampshire post-secondary institutions will be available with the launch of a New Hampshire live programming channel headlining top state experts in college and career readiness.

“New Hampshire is an excellent state to build a statewide model for enabling families to better manage this process. Our mix of on-demand video featuring acclaimed college admissions and career exploration experts, a wide range of content toolkits, live programming and our flagship feature, Roadmap to College, will give New Hampshire schools an important new tool to support counselors, students and their parents,” said Jon Carson, founder of College Guidance Network

CGN School offers broad information solutions in eight languages, which includes numerous video and companion print pieces, audio solutions and more. The goal is to provide families experiencing information overload a single trusted source so they can access everything in one place. 


About College Guidance Network (CGN): Since its inception CGN has followed one north star - experts for everyone, all in one place. School districts all over the country make CGN’s comprehensive library available to their families so they can have the best decision-making support possible. This also reduces demands on stretched counseling departments. The award-winning production team brings its experience at PBS, ESPN, and FamilyEducation Network to provide the first truly comprehensive content solution for counselors, parents, and students.