For Immediate Release
Posted: June 06, 2019


Grant Bosse , Director of Communications
(603) 271-0448 |

Bees and Meatloaf

School Days, Lunch Trays, and Gourmets comes to Southwick School

NORTHFIELD - Education Commission Frank Edelblut today premiered the latest episode of "School Days, Lunch Trays, and Gourmets", the Department web series that highlights the hard work of school nutrition workers across the Granite State. The third installment in the series was filmed at Southwick School in Northfield, New Hampshire.

In the episode, Edelblut makes meatloaf with Winnisquam District Food Service Director Rob Cohen, picks fresh vegetables with students in the on-campus greenhouse, and even visits the school's beehive to see how they harvest their own honey.

"Rob Cohen and the nutrition staff at Winnisquam are doing a fantastic job engaging students in their farm-to-cafeteria program," Edelblut says. "By building nutrition into the curriculum, these kids are learning where their food comes from, and learning to enjoy a healthier diet. I'm thrilled that we could shine a spotlight on their hard work in this episode."

Watch the Southwick School episode of School Days, Lunch Trays, and Gourmets.