For Immediate Release
Posted: May 11, 2020


New Hampshire Department of Education
6032710448 |

Back To School

DOE forms School Transition Reopening and Redesign Task Force (STRRT)

Concord – New Hampshire Education Commissioner Frank Edelblut today announced the formation of the School Transition Reopening and Redesign Taskforce (STRRT). With a structure similar to the Governor's School Safety Preparedness Task Force, the group will bring together stakeholders from across New Hampshire education system to provide recommendations on bringing students back into school buildings this fall. The taskforce plans to issue preliminary recommendations by June 30, with follow-up recommendations within 30 days.

"This has been an unprecedented challenge for everyone, and will give a new meaning to 'back to school' this fall," Edelblut said. "We want to provide schools with the best guidance possible on how to protect student safety and to apply the lessons we have learned from remote instruction."