For Immediate Release
Posted: June 16, 2017


New Hampshire Department of Education
6032710448 |

2017 Smarter Balanced Assessment Preliminary Results

This spring students in grades 3-8 participated in the Smarter Balanced Assessment (SBA) in mathematics and English language arts. The SBA is a summative snapshot of a student’s grade level academic achievement. SBA scores are one of several measures that can be used to help teachers and families understand student progress and readiness for the next academic school year.

The overall SBA score presents a measure of how well a student is performing against the academic standards that guide instruction in mathematics and English language arts. Additional sub-category scores on individual student reports provide a more in-depth understanding of student performance in each academic area tested.
School districts have been receiving individual student score reports. Families have been and will be receiving these reports directly from the student’s school. Preliminary aggregate state results will be posted on the Department of Education website in July.

“Families that have not yet received assessment results are encouraged to reach out to their local school,” stated Sandie MacDonald, the state administrator for instructional support and student assessment; “This is a great opportunity for parents and family members to sit down and review student progress with their student’s teacher and make education plans for next year."