For Immediate Release
Posted: September 23, 2019


Grant Bosse , Director of Communications
(603) 271-0448 |

13 states joining NH in Holiday Card Challenge

Map showing Holiday Card participating states

CONCORD – New Hampshire Education Commissioner Frank Edelblut today thanked his counterparts in 13 states for assisting the Holiday Cards for Our Military Challenge. Last year, Edelblut enlisted the New Hampshire Department of Education to help Dr. Laura Landerman send holiday cards to American military personnel serving abroad. Landerman sent out close to 50,000 cards last year.


This year, Edelblut reached out to his counterparts in other states, asking them to join the cause. As of today, education officials in 13 other states have responded.

"The response we've received from education departments across the country has been fantastic," Edelblut said. "From Florida to Alaska, thousands of students across the United States will be sending cards to our dedicated servicemen and women who can’t be with their families over the holidays."

Landerman is collecting the signed cards from across the country, and will mail them out to bases and ships around the globe.

So far, the list of states in the process of joining New Hampshire in the Holiday Cards for Our Military Challenge includes Alaska, Arkansas, Florida, Hawaii, Indiana, Illinois, Massachusetts, Nevada, North Carolina, North Dakota, Tennessee, Virginia and Wyoming.

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