For Immediate Release
Date: August 29, 2024


Kim Houghton, Communications Administrator
(603) 513-3030 |

Grants awarded to more than 30 schools to enhance Science of Reading initiatives

CONCORD, NH — The New Hampshire Department of Education (NHED) has awarded a total of $652,500 in literacy grants to schools throughout the state.

As part of the state’s efforts to expand Science of Reading strategies, skills and techniques, NHED recently released a Leaning into Literacy II Resource Grant Request for Applications. The purpose of the competitive grant was to provide funding for resources to help students master literacy skills and to assist public and public charter schools in establishing Science of Reading, evidence-based practices with kindergarten through sixth-grade students. 

“These grants will place high-quality, evidence-based materials directly into the hands of students across New Hampshire. With these resources, teachers can apply research-backed practices, enabling them to tailor instruction more effectively to address the unique reading needs of every student,” said Kathleen McCaffery, reading and writing specialist for NHED’s Division of Learner Support. 

Overall, 31 schools throughout the state received grant awards ranging from $572 to $75,434. 

“The New Hampshire Department of Education and the entire state is dedicated to improving literacy outcomes for all students,” said Frank Edelblut, education commissioner. “Significant strides have been made to utilize evidence-based literacy curriculum that supports students in younger grades and provides educators with effective tools to teach reading and writing. As the Granite State starts to see successful results from these efforts, this new round of literacy grants will continue to enhance that work.”

The grants, funded with covid-relief funds, must be obligated by September 30 and may be used to purchase high quality instructional materials that are aligned to the Science of Reading best practices, enable frequent progress monitoring and include implementation supports for educators. 

During NHED’s first round of the Leaning into Literacy I Resource Grants in 2023, an additional $924,115 was awarded to schools throughout the state.