For Immediate Release
Date: November 09, 2023


Kim Houghton, Communications Administrator
(603) 513-3030 |

Comprehensive Support and Improvement Schools for 2023

Federal funds awarded to the lowest performing, eligible schools for support services

CONCORD, NH — As required by the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) and in compliance with the New Hampshire Consolidated State Plan, the New Hampshire Department of Education has identified 19 schools throughout New Hampshire as Comprehensive Support and Improvement Schools, which are designated once every three years as schools that are showing the greatest challenges with academic achievement and student performance. 

Comprehensive Support and Improvement Schools are the lowest-performing five percent of all schools in the state receiving Title I, Part A funds, as well as high schools in the state with a four-year graduation rate less than 67 percent, regardless of Title I status. 

The New Hampshire State ESSA Plan requires states to calculate and release the list of public schools identified for CSI every three years. The data represents elementary and middle school performance in four key areas – academic achievement, academic growth, progress toward English language proficiency and academic growth of under-performing students (for K-8 schools). Key indicators for high schools include academic achievement, graduation rates, progress toward English language proficiency and college and career readiness. 

There are a total of 13 elementary and middle schools designated with CSI status:

•    Bluff School in Claremont School District
•    Compass Classical Academy Charter Elementary School 
•    Franklin Middle School in Franklin School District*
•    Paul A. Smith School in Franklin School District (identified due to its status as a feeder to Franklin Middle School)*
•    Edward Fenn School in Gorham Randolph Shelburne Cooperative
•    Beech Street School in Manchester School District*
•    Henry Wilson Elementary School in Manchester School District*
•    Parker-Varney School in Manchester School District
•    Highbridge Hill Elementary in Mascenic Regional
•    Dr. Norman W. Crisp School in Nashua School District*
•    Richards Elementary School in Newport School District*
•    Unity Elementary School in Unity School District
•    Winchester School in Winchester School District

    *Originally identified as CSI in 2018 or 2022 and did not exit status.

There are a total of six high schools that provide alternative education programming designated with CSI status: 

•    CSI Charter School*
•    Kreiva Academy Public Charter High School*
•    Ledyard Charter School*
•    Making Community Connections Charter School – Monadnock*
•    Next Charter School*
•    Bud Carlson Academy in Rochester School District*

*Originally identified as CSI in 2018 or 2022 and did not exit status.

“To help aid with continued progress, the New Hampshire Department of Education will offer ongoing reviews, technical assistance and monitoring to support each CSI school with its improvement efforts,” said Frank Edelblut, education commissioner. “With the goal of creating sustainable systems to help students and teachers achieve at higher levels, eligible schools that have been designated with CSI status will be awarded funds to allow viable, evidence-based practices and programs to be executed.”

In accordance with ESSA, a total of $3,700,904.76 in federal funds was reserved by NHED from its $52,870,071 Title I, Part A allocation to provide direct funding and supports for the development and implementation of school improvement programming to identified, eligible schools. 

There are 11 schools that were previously identified as CSI schools in 2018 or 2022 and have since met the necessary improvement criteria to exit CSI status.

•    Barnstead Elementary School
•    Marlborough Elementary School
•    Middleton Elementary School
•    Milton Elementary School
•    Northeast Woodland Chartered Public School
•    Groveton Elementary School in Northumberland 
•    Pittsburg Elementary School
•    Manchester West High School
•    North Country Charter Academy
•    Pittsfield High School
•    Virtual Learning Academy High School

Aside from CSI schools, there were a total of nine schools designated as Targeted Support and Improvement (TSI) schools in 2023. TSI schools are those with a subgroup in the lowest performing 5 percent of all schools for that subgroup for two consecutive years.  

•    Claremont Middle School
•    Kreiva Academy Public Charter Middle School
•    Middle School at Parkside in Manchester
•    Southside Middle School in Manchester
•    Stevens High School in Claremont
•    Franklin High School
•    Manchester West High School
•    Nute High School in Milton 
•    Somersworth High School

In addition, a total of 75 schools were identified as Additional Targeted Support and Improvement (ATSI) schools in 2023, with 29 schools exiting ATSI status. ATSI schools are those with subgroups that performed below the statewide cut scores for all available indicators.
