Office of Nutrition Programs and Services (ONPS)

The Office of Nutrition Programs and Services provides educational leadership, program technical assistance, federal and state funding and general services that promote and fund health, nutritional daily needs of children and adults and nutrition education for all program participants through the administration of USDA Child Nutrition Services in New Hampshire schools, institutes and summer programs.

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Brief Overview of the Office of Nutrition Programs and Services



  • Program Authorization Form

    • The Program Authorization Form is for Child Nutrition Programs ONLY. After completion of this form, if ANY information changes during the school year, a new form needs to be filled out and submitted to Maddie Parker,, and Patty Carignan,  It is the responsibility of the program operator to ensure that the permissions are up to date.

National School Lunch Program (NSLP) and School Breakfast Program (SBP)

  • The National School Lunch Program (NSLP) is a federally assisted meal program operating in public and nonprofit private schools and residential childcare institutions.  It provides nutritionally balanced, low-cost, or free lunches to children each school day.  The program was established under the National School Lunch Act, signed by President Harry Truman in 1946.
  • The School Breakfast Program (SBP) provides reimbursement to states to operate nonprofit breakfast programs to schools and residential childcare institutions.  The Food and Nutrition Service administers the SBP at the federal level.  State Education agencies administer the SBP at the state level, and local school authorities operate the program in schools.
  • The Department of Agriculture also donates surplus commodity foods for lunches served under the program.  These foods are distributed by the Surplus Distribution Section of the Department of Administrative Services,, (603) 271-7838.



Child and Adult Care Food Program (CACFP)

  • The Child and Adult Care Food Program (CACFP) is a federal program that provides reimbursements for nutritious meals and snacks to eligible children and adults who are enrolled for care at participating childcare centers, day care homes, and adult day care centers. CACFP also provides reimbursements for meals served to children and youth participating in the afterschool care programs, children residing in emergency shelters, and adults over the age of 60 or living with a disability and enrolled in day care facilities.  CACFP contributes to the wellness, healthy growth, and development of youth children and adults in the United States.



Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Program (FFVP) - *Must operate NSLP to participate

  • The Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Program (FFVP) is an important tool in our efforts to combat childhood obesity.  The program has been successful in introducing elementary school children to a variety of produce that they otherwise might not have the opportunity to sample. The various partnerships that FNS and state agencies have developed in the public and private sectors, as well as the dedicated work of school administrators, have contributed to the overall success and acceptance of the program.  FFVP is consistent with and supports the Health and Medicine Division (HMD) of the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine's recommendations to provide healthier snack choices in schools.



Patrick Leahy Farm to School Program


After School Snack Program (ASSP) - *Must operate NSLP to operate

  • The NSLP After School Snack Program (ASSP) offers cash reimbursement to help SFA's provide a nutritional boost to children enrolled in afterschool activities.  Participating SFAs receive cash subsidies from the USDA for each reimbursable snack they serve (up to one reimbursement per participant per day).  In return, they must serve snacks that meet Federal requirements and must offer free or reduced-price snacks to eligible children. In order for the afterschool care program to be eligible, it must provide organized, regularly scheduled activities in a structured and supervised environment.  including an educational or enrichment activity. Examples of eligible activities include, homework assistance, tutoring, supervised 'drop-in' athletic programs, extended day programs, drama activities, and arts and crafts programs. Organized interscholastic programs or community level competitive sports are not eligible to participate. 


Special Milk Program (SMP)

  • The Special Milk Program (SMP) provides milk to children in schools and childcare institutions who do not participate in other federal meal service programs.  The program reimburses schools for the milk they serve.


Summer Food Service Program (SFSP)

  • The Summer Food Service Program (SFSP) is a federally funded, state administered program. USDA reimburses program operators who serve no-cost, healthy meals, and snacks to children and teens. Meals are served at summer sites in low-income communities, where sponsors often also offer enrichment activities, or - in approved rural communities facing access issues - may be provided via grab-n-go or delivery.



Community Eligibility Provision (CEP) - *Must operate NSLP to participate

  • The Community Eligibility Provision (CEP) is a non-pricing meal service option for schools and school districts in low-income areas. CEP allows the nation's highest poverty schools and districts to serve breakfast and lunch at no cost to all enrolled students without collecting household applications. Instead, schools that adopt CEP are reimbursed using a formula based on the percentage of students categorically eligible for free meals based on their participation in other specific means-tested programs, such as the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) and Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF).


Food Service Management Company (FSMC) or Vended Meal Contract (VMC)


Civil Rights


Alternative Services Available

USDA Nondiscrimination Statement / Food and Nutrition Services

This Institution is an Equal Opportunity Provider

Esta institución es un proveedor que ofrece igualdad de oportunidades.


Current Waiver Requests and Approvals


The NH Department of Education is seeking a waiver from the United States Department of Agriculture, Food and Nutrition Services.  The purpose of this waiver is to support all Sponsors operating the Summer Food Service Program (SFSP) as well as the National School Lunch and School Breakfast Programs in a non-congregate feeding due to unexpected closures for the 2023-2024 school year.

The NH Department of Education is seeking a waiver from the United States Department of Agriculture, Food and Nutrition Services. The purchase of this waiver is to support all Sponsors operating the Summer Food Service Program (SFSP) and Seamless Summer Option (SSO) for Summer 2024 due to excessive heat, air quality advisories, offer vs. serve, and unexpected school closures.

The NH Department of Education is seeking a waiver from the United States Department of Agriculture, Food and Nutrition Services.  The purchase of this waiver is to support postponing deadlines for the Community Eligibility Provision (CEP) for SY2023-2024



USDA Memos




For Parents and Students

The New Hampshire Department of Education helps local schools administer their nutrition programs but does not determine program eligibility. To apply for Free and Reduced-Price School Meals, please contact your local school.


National School Lunch Program (NSLP)

School Breakfast Program & Seamless Summer Program

USDA Nutrition Standards for School Meals

The purpose of the National School Lunch Program is to safeguard the health and well-being of the Nation's children, as declared in 1946 by Congress in the National School Lunch Act. The School Lunch Program makes it possible for schools to serve nutritious inexpensive lunches to students each day. Schools may also serve meals during summer months. Last school year, in NH, over 30 million meals were reimbursed. USDA provides program funding and administration.

Schools receive reimbursement for all meals which meet meal pattern requirements specified by the USDA in regulation CFR 210. Schools may qualify for higher "severe need" reimbursements if a specified percentage of their meals are served free or at a reduced price. In addition, meals must meet the USDA Dietary Guidelines for Americans when averaged over a week. There is one menu planning option available to schools. The Office of Nutrition Programs and Services provides technical assistance and guidance to schools to ensure that the lunch program operates in accordance with the regulations of the National School Lunch Program.

The Department of Agriculture also donates surplus commodity foods for lunches served under the program. These foods are distributed by the Surplus Distribution Section of the Department of Administrative Services,, (603) 271-7838.


Special Milk Program (SMP)

The Special Milk Program provides participating programs whose children do not have access to a meals program, opportunities to serve and receive reimbursements for milk. $261,060.85 is provided to participating programs to support the purchase of milk to children.

For more information, visit the USDA Special Milk Program.


Summer Food Service Program (SFSP)

The SFSP provides reimbursements to participating programs to serve nutritious meals to children in residential camps, day camps, open site locations, closed site locations, schools.

Overview of SFSP 

SFSP Public Release FY21









The Office of Nutrition Programs and Services Team

Amanda Marshall, Administrator

Patty Carignan, Child Nutrition Finance Manager (CACFP & SFSP)

Maddie Parker, Child Nutrition Operations Manager (NSLP, FFVP, Farm to School, SBP, SMP, SSO)

Ruth Howard, Program Specialist (NSLP, SBP, SMP)

Bridget Resse (FFVP, Farm to School, NSLP, SBP)